Saturday, November 22, 2008
Taking The Gospel To The Streets Preaching
Jesus The Bread Of Life And Those That Eat Thereof Shall Live Forever.
Read Brother Terry Shuff (Who just recently moved to Durham
/ Halleluiah) Street Update of what we plan on teaming up and doing more of this winter. God willing.
William Taylor and I hit the streets of Durham Friday night. We had an awesome time ministering the Word
of God. We were blessed by a Pepperidge Farm distributor
with well over 100 loaves of different kinds of bread. We just pulled into a parking lot of
a mini-mart and despite the cold temps we had a couple hours of real good ministry.
It is so good that donated bread opens the door to minister the gospel to people.
Many people including
this gentleman were very happy to get bread. They went into their apartments and neighborhoods telling people of the giveaway
which put more people out there to be ministered to. This is just the beginning of the beginning of building relationships
with people and helping them to have a real relationship with JESUS!!
Praise Report
A young lady prayer answered…This lady came up to us and said
that she prayed and asked God for some bread for her and her children and lo and behold here we were giving away free bread.
Psalms 86: Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and
Psalms 9:18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten:
the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.
Psalms 40:17 But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh
upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God.
Psalms 72:12 For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth;
the poor also, and him that hath no helper.
Proverbs 21:13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of
the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.
Psalms 74:21 O let not the oppressed return ashamed: let the poor
and needy praise thy name.
Psalms 72:13 He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall
save the souls of the needy.
Isaiah 12:4 And in that day shall
ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.
Durham NC 24th Annual Gay Pride Parade & Festival
The Gospel Of Jesus Christ To Those |
Are Lost |
Gave Them Up To Uncleanness Through The Lust |
Thier Own Hearts To Dishonor Thier Own Bodies |
Lord Commands All To Flee From Sin & To Pursue |
And Go And Sin No More |
Love Thier Sins And Reject The Truth |
Holiness No Man Shall See God |
Goeth Before Destruction And An Haughty |
Before A Fall |
Genesis 13:13 But the men of Sodom (Durham) were wicked
and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.
On September 27, 2008 the City of Durham, NC once again openly
showcased its wickedness before the Lord. Displaying the vileness of this lustful sin under the open heavens for the world
to see calling wrong right and right wrong. Many of them know by the laws written on their hearts and minds by God that they
are wicked sinners who just love their sins.
And once again this parade had its Churches of Satan participating
proclaiming a “lie” that gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered are Christians and heaven bound.
But the Lord God almighty who have commanded all men everywhere
to repent and believe the gospel had some of those He has commissioned at this ungodly event to cry loud and spare not, “lifting
up voices like trumpets” proclaiming the gospel, and warning of the wrath of God to come upon the wicked.
Pat O’ Connell along with his precious daughters Sarah
& Jennifer came up from New Bern, NC with Derek & Chyvonne Winslow, Chuck & Rebecca Lawton, Dwayne Williams, Jude
Crowley, and Ranya Youssef who recently converted from Islam (Please pray that the Lord God will continue to strengthen her
and that His will be accomplished in her life in Jesus name).
In addition to our preaching the gospel we had plenty
of interactions with the festival participates. A few civil, a couple ministering to people needs, but
for the most part there was hostility toward the gospel message considering most attending were more likely being condemned
by their conscience. The gospel of Jesus Christ does have a way of convicting men of their sins by revealing their wicked
hearts. I often encounter some of the same people attending events like these and others throughout this City. They come up
to me and want to talk about the love of God but continue to deny the Holiness, and wrath of God and attempt to use scriptures
to justify their sins.
(2Thessoalonians 2:10-12 And with
all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might
be saved.
And for this cause God shall send
them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure
in unrighteousness).
We pray that the word of God that went forth on this day
not only convicts men and women who have sinned against a Holy God, but that some who heard the word will be lead to repent
and believe the gospel to the saving of their souls in Jesus mighty name.
Here is a local news article of the event:
2 Peter 2:4-6 "For if God spared not the angels
that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared
not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of
the ungodly; and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample
unto those that after should live ungodly."
In Matthew 4:17 Jesus began to preach and say: REPENT
of the Lord Jesus Christ,
William Taylor Sr.
At The Main Gate Proclaiming The Gospel |
This Festival For All To Hear |
Durham NC 35th
Annual Centerfest Arts Festival - 09/20/2008
This past weekend I went downtown to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the thousands
of festival goers warning them of the impending judgment of the Holy God upon all who refuse to repent of their sins and believe
the gospel. In addition to this festival Durham hosted the Blues Festival, and Phoenix festival this weekend which collectively
attracted over 70,000 souls to these events. Many of who are lost and damned.
Jesus said: go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
I preached, passed out gospel tracts, and had one-on-one with many of these lost souls their evidence of contempt for the
gospel was plain to see as many rejected the salvation message. Choosing either to love their sins, not believe the gospel,
or choosing to continue to believe in another gospel void of righteousness, holiness, and Jesus as the only mediator between
God and man.
On one occasion I was speaking to two young women who stated they were ministers and went
to Duke divinity school. When I mentioned to them that next weekend the divinity school will be participating in the gay pride
parade promoting that, which is unholy and abominable before the living God. One of them drop their head as in shame as her
friend immediately start quoting scriptures about love. As I shared with them that without holiness no man shall see God they
decided to leave. Please pray that there eyes will be opened to the true gospel, and they would repent to the saving of their
On another occasion this catholic couple was reading my sign and asked why are Catholics endanger
of hells fire. As I explained to them that “Jesus is the only way” to eternal life and not Roman Catholicism,
not Mary as co-mediator, praying to saints, etc., it was evident that they didn’t seem to know that the teaching of
Jesus Christ is opposite that of the Catholic Church. Then the women stated but we are Christians. When I told her that Christians
are followers of Christ, and Catholics are not Christians she got enraged pulled her husband away and started shouting we
are Christians, we are Christians he doesn’t know what he’s talking about we are Christians.
I had many more conversations, and confrontations during this time of street ministry but
one that stands out is two young girls who came up to me and stated they were recently born-again and love the Lord with all
there heart and were living holy in Christ Jesus. I don’t remember there name, but God does and I pray that our Lord
God will keep them, and his perfect will for there life will be performed in Jesus mighty name.
Bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother William Taylor Sr.
Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
BENNY (Simon
Acts 8-18-22) HINN SHOW / Raleigh NC 2008
Of The Many False Prophets Spoken Of In |
Peter 2:1-3 Benny "Simon" Hinn |
The false covetous prophet and false teacher was in town with his lying miracles making merchandise of those who attended
and they seemed to love it so.
As I stood near the main entrance preaching the “true” gospel of Jesus Christ and warning the attendees
of the many false prophesies of Benny Simon Hinn. Many refuse to believe and flee his show. Even after receiving flyers I
handed out of “Simon” Hinn false prophecies. A few of them listened to me quite intently then replied with “but”
I drove such a long way to get here I have to go in now, and besides Benny’s false prophecies…God knows my heart.
Which I replied to them with the fact that Jesus told religious people like Benny Simon that they shut up heaven for
themselves and those who attempt to get in, in addition to making them two fold the child of hell as themselves.
From the barrage of Simon’s Hinn followers coming up to me supposedly pronouncing curses on me, rebuking me,
and one of Hinn’s homosexual followers threatening to afflict physical harm to me. I continued to cry loud and spare
not as the Lord God strengthen my voice. For at the early going of my preaching I was loosing my voice, and asked God to strengthen
it if it be His will. It was.
2Timothy 4:3-5: For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto
fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
Here is a link to the local newspaper article about Benny (Simon) Hinn show
of the Lord Jesus Christ,
William Taylor Sr.
August 16, 2008
Durham North Carolina
13th Annual Gay & Lesbian film Festival
Knew God And Glorified Him Not |
This Cause God Gave Them Up To Vile Affection |
Christ said in Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable,
and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth
with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
On Saturday August 16th Pat O’Connell and his precious adult children Jennifer,
Sarah along with Brother Jude came up from New Bern North Carolina to join me in preaching the Saving and delivering gospel
of Jesus Christ to the many who were attending this abominable annual Gay & Lesbian film festival.
Along with open air-preaching we had one on one conversations, and battles with the spirits
of wickedness that were present in the lives of those that willfully submitted to them. But to God be the glory His word went
forth mightily piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and discerning of the
thoughts and intents of the heart of the hearer.
It is so important that we as preachers of righteousness continue to live Holy and be faithful
to the calling of God in our lives even tough we do not often see the fruit of our labor. But remember it is always God who
gets the increase. Case in point…near the end of the day of plenty of planting, watering, and exposing darkness a young
lady by the name of Mary came pass with the following testimony.
She stated that she was on the bus passing by and decided after getting off to come by.
When she walked pass me I offered her a gospel track and asked her was she serving Jesus. She replied yes, and began
to say that just a couple of years ago she was involved in the Lesbian life style and attended these events but God delivered
her. As she continued to share her testimony she also said that some of these people at this event know me. She told us to
continue to preach what we were preaching (repentance toward God, Hell fire, believing the gospel, etc), because even tough
the participants seem to be rejecting us they hear the word of God deep in their soul as she once did and was convicted by
Click Here To View Pictures Of Laborers Working In The Lord's Harvest At This Event.
Bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ,
William Taylor Sr.
Night Fishing In Daytona Beach, FL. July 11-14th
Brother Terry Shuff invited me to stay in his home for a few days of fellowship and
the opportunity to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets in an area of Daytona where a few nightclubs are busy promoting
the devil agenda, which leads to eternal destruction. Along with Pastor Troy, Scott Durant, Raven Deb,
Brother Troy from New Orleans, and members of the Raven Team we went into the Devil’s den with the power in the word
of God to set the captive free.
The battle for souls was intense as those who openly loved their sins and didn’t
care for the light of the gospel revealing their unrighteousness, loudly expressed it so. Case in point one child of the devil
said to me why are you guys here with the cross and the gospel, it doesn’t belong here. He went on to say my mother
and father have been Christians for years and I never ever saw them at places like this preaching. I told the young man that
Jesus cares for your soul and He sent us as His ambassadors and that if Jesus were walking these streets He would be here
also. The young man continued towards the club saying the gospel doesn’t belong here. (1 John 3:10a, In this the children
of God are manifest, and the children of the devil)
Throughout each night of open-air preaching, passing out gospel tracts, contending
for the faith, and one-on-one’s; the word of God went forth with power. The cross and signs that Brother Terry had with
him made a big impact to those who saw it and read it, drawing many into a dialogue about sin and righteousness.
On the first night I was talking to a young man that admitted to being a drug addict
in addition to being tormented in his mind. I shared with him my testimony and how the power of God could deliver, and save
him if He would only truly repent of his sins and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus. He told me that he was going to throw
his syringe away, and go home and throw his drugs away. I can’t remember the young man name but God does and I pray
that this young man would fully yield to the Holy Spirit and repent and believe to the saving of his soul in Jesus mighty
and wonderful name. This same night or I should say early morning, (approximately 2:30am) during the closing of the clubs
as the revelers were leaving and coming pass us I told one young lady that she needed to turn from her sins and repent before
she died in her sins. She immediately stopped in her tracks and said yes she needed to. I ministered the gospel to her for
the next few moments and she thanked me for sharing the good news with her. I pray that the seed of God word that was sown
into her life finds good ground in Jesus name.
Night #2 was even more intense for the souls of the lost then the previous night,
but to God be the glory His word went forth again with power. I shared the gospel for a long while with one 18-year-old young
man named Mark. He told me he was confused about exactly what the gospel was and in particular how do a person get saved.
After sharing the simplicity of the gospel to him he thanked me and stated that he grew up as a Jehovah Witness, and that
he would be getting in touch with me to talk some more.
One long encounter I had was with five Muslims who said they were going to heaven.
As I began to engage them with the word of God (Jesus) they listened very attentively. I then asked them if they believe Jesus
was a true prophet, which they replied yes. I intentionally repeated the question two more times and their reply was the same.
I then ask them if they were born-again. Their reply was they didn’t need to be born again, they were already born once.
When I told them that Jesus who they believe was a “true” prophet said that they must be born-again in order to
enter or even see the kingdom of God, and they needed to do what He said. They looked at each other and one said I need to
think about that for a while before I answer. I immediately started to explain to them that they were following a false religion
based on salvation by works, In addition to the fact that according to there religion they can keep and perform all of the
five pillars; do all that the false god Allah said to do according to their belief, and Allah still can send them to hell
according to the Quran unless they die in Jihad. Why follow a god like that.
May the word of God that is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart cause these lost souls to repent and believe the glorious gospel of the Savior of all those who call
upon His Holy name.
There are many more testimonies, encounters, and fruitful labor during this time
of ministry as the Lord worked with us confirming His word with signs following. Check out Brother Terry Shuff website: with more information and pictures.
Bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother William Taylor Sr.
This Year Theme Of The Jehovah Witnesses Convention Was: Guided By God Spirit.
The lies they tell to deceive many. Not only are they guided by another spirit, another
gospel, but they are also guided by another Jesus whom they profess to be Michael The Arch Angel.
As I stood in front of the main gate with my sign and cross proclaiming the “true
gospel” of Jesus Christ and warning those who have been deceived by the Watch Tower Society Organization it was obvious
that the majority of attendees were abhorred by my present and preaching that contradicted what they have been taught concerning
the gospel. But to God be the glory. The truth of His word went forth and those that do not repent and believe will not be
doing so because they did not hear the truth.
I thank the Lord for a precious Sister in Christ name Sherry Bishop who stopped
by to bring me some water. While talking to me a man came by and as I handed him a gospel tract and spoke to him about Jesus,
Sherry started to minister to him and found out that he was invited to the convention by some JW’s. She explained to
him that Jesus is the only way to salvation and not to be deceived by the JW’s. Eventually the man departed into the
convention but not before Sherry explained to him how to be truly born-again. Sherry shared with me that this was her first
time sharing the gospel with a complete stranger on the street. Praise the Lord for laborers in His harvest.
Bishop / New Street Preacher |
The Lies of The JW's & Preaching Jesus |
Bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother William Taylor Sr.
RiverBend Festival 2008 / Chattanooga, Tennessee
Broad Road That Leadth To Destruction |
There Be Which Go In Thereat |
passing out tracts and sharing the gospel |
Main Street Across From Riverbend Festival Entrance |
Nash & Brother Barry from Atlanta |
6/06 – 06/12
Praise the mighty name of Jesus Christ for allowing me the privilege to work in His harvest
at Riverbend. I arrived in town on Friday and as always Brother Ricky Nash and his wife provided accommodations for me to
park and hook-up my travel trailer at their sweet home.
I hit the streets Saturday with Ricky, Michael Siemer and his son Michael, Brian O’Connell,
and Ben House. With crosses and signs in hand we passed out hundreds of gospel tracts, open-air preached, had one-on-one dialogue,
and encounters with many of the festival goers. This year it seemed like most of the people I encountered and talked to declare
that they go to church on a regular basis. My reply to them was “are you born-again”. Not surprisingly many of
them didn’t even know what born-again meant, or what a person “must” do to be born-again, and some thought
that being water baptized and/or belonging to a church meant that they were born-again. It was evident that there was no fruit
of a born-again life in many of these people. They were drinking, cussing, dressing whorishly, and being outright disobedient
to God’s command, “Be ye Holy for I am Holy”, and abstain from every appearance of evil.
Normally laboring in the Lord’s harvest planting and watering the word of God I don’t
always get to see the seed of God spring up and bear much fruit, but this night right before we left God graced me to see
the increase of His fruit. A sixteen year old young man by the name of Tommy O’Dell who came up from Georgia came walking
pass me. As I handed him a gospel tract and asked him did he know Jesus and started to share the gospel with him and told
him that he needed to be saved. Tommy said he was thinking about getting saved the next day. I explained to Tommy that tomorrow
was not promised to him, and if he was sincere about forsaking his sins and believing the gospel he could be saved tonight.
Tommy said that he wanted to be saved tonight. I called Brian and Ricky over and told Tommy to pray to God in his own words.
Tommy told God to forgive him for his sins, and to come into his life and save him. I then prayed for Tommy and we encouraged
and instructed him in the things of God. This was about 10:30 PM. Early the next morning Tommy emailed Brian thanking us,
and expressed his appreciation of the love and kindness of Christ extended to him. He also stated that “ being born
again he feels better as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders”. Halleluiah, Glory to God, thank you Jesus. Please
pray that God perfect will be accomplished in Tommy’s Life.
2Corthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old
things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
One of the events at this festival is called the Bessie Smith (Blues Singer) Strut, that takes
place downtown Chattanooga with approximately 40,000 souls attending. They block off the main streets and have a huge block
party where a lot of drinking and reveling takes place. We set-up right in the middle of one of the main intersections with
our crosses, signs, Ricky Nash with a coffin he made, gospel tracts, the word of God and preached the gospel of Jesus Christ
to the many who were dying and heading for eternal damnation. For approximately the next five hours God graced us with the
privilege to minister, rebuke, instruct, exhort, teach, and proclaim His word.
As I looked up the hill while standing at this intersection seeing the multitude of souls
come streaming pass us I was visually reminded of Matthew 7:13-14, Enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate,
and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate and narrow
is the way that, leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. My heart became heavy and sadden for the many who have
chosen to die in their sins and endure the wrath of God. May the living word of God that was sown bring about conviction and
repentance toward God to the saving of those who have an ear to hear in the mighty name of Jesus the Messiah.
Durham |
Durham's 39th Bimbe Cultural Art's Festival
/ May 17, 2008
What a beautiful day it was to be saved, chosen, commissioned and enabled by the Holy Spirit to work in the Lord's
harvest fulfilling the Great Commission and winning souls into the kingdom of God. Brother Terry Shuff was in town from Florida
and joined me at the Bimbe as we ministered the living word, preached repentance toward God, passed out gospel tracts, rebuked
some, and encouraged others in the things of God.
Throughout the day we encountered many who were clearly on the broad road to destruction,
and loved their sins, many who believed in another gospel, professed Christians who were opposed to preaching the wrath and
justice of God along with His love, and others who vehemently confessed that they were saved but openly exhibited the fruits
of unrighteousness.
But God as always get the glory and increase. Near the end of our day we were sharing the
gospel and wrath of God to three 14-year-old young men, and at the end of our conversation I asked each one of them did they
what to repent/forsake their sins and be saved. Each one said no or not now and left. A short while later as I was in a heated
dialogue with some guys about the holiness of God I noticed one of the young men (Cameron) came back and was talking and praying
with Terry. He came back and told Terry that he didn’t want to go to hell, and wanted to be saved. To God be the glory.
Please pray that Cameron will continue to seek and obey the Lord in Jesus mighty name.
Click here for 2008 Earth Day Photo's
Earth (Pagan) Day Festival
April 19th Pat O’Connell came to the Bull City (Durham's nickname) from New Bern NC and joined me in
preaching the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ at this annual festival. Many who attend these events have turned from the truth
of God the Creator and worship the creation that they so proudly call “Mother Earth”.
1:18-25 “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the
truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the
things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and
their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible
God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also
gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator,
who is blessed for ever. Amen”.
we open-air preached we encountered the few (Matt. 7:14) who received the word and the many who were offended by the gospel
(John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved).
One angry vendor came across the street with a huge cane like stick threatening Pat demanding that he stop preaching the word.
Praise be to God Pat continued preaching the truth of God's word, the situation was defused (By the Spirit of God) and the
man eventually left, but he later sent an police officer over to us, but the officer confirmed that it was nothing he could
do because of our 1st amendment rights. Praise be to God. I do foresee the signs of this right eventually being
taken away from us in this growingly wicked nation, and when it is my prayer is that God grant unto us who will not bow…boldness
to continue to speak His word even unto death in Jesus mighty name.
My Brethrens in Christ, I pray
that you faint not, and endure until the end for it was very evident at this festival that the god of this world (Satan)
has blinded the minds of them which believe not the true gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to save them that believe.
Click Here for Campus Round Up Photo Album
College Campus round up
April 5th Robert Breaud and Ben Bloedorn came up through NC and spent a few days with me prior to continuing their
missionary journey north to Virginia. During their stay we had some sweet fellowship and spent some time at the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill open-air preaching for a few days, and at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC where
we met up with, Pat O’Connell, Derek, Kerrigan Skelly, John McGlone, Jesse Morrell, and Brother Ross Jackson.
believe the taking of the gospel to these campuses was fruitful in-spite of the comments and objections from hecklers, agnostics,
God haters, the unrepentant, the proud and arrogant, and those who were just plain mad because of the truth of God’s
word which revealed their own wickedness. In the word of God we read that some water, some plant, but it is God that causes
the seed sown to take root and spring up to His glory.
had not just the opportunity to open-air preach, and pass out gospel tracts, but we also took advantage of the opportunities
to share the gospel one on one, answer questions, dialogue, contend for the faith, rebuke, expose false teachings, and even
share with some Christians that didn’t believe we should be preaching in this manner. I explained to one young lady
the biblical mandate and urgency that people need to understand not just the love of God but also His judgment which is to
come upon the wicked, and without Holiness no man shall see God. After our long conversation she agreed and thanked me for
sharing that with her.
pray that God continues to send forth laborers into these college campuses where the students unbeknown to most of them are
being mightily deceived with the world philosophy and lies that they are being taught that denies the Supreme Sovereign God
of all creation.
Florida Daytona Bike Week March 2008
into all the world and preach the gospel…
last weekend of February and the weekend of March 7th- 9th I went to Daytona Bike week preaching the
life changing saving gospel of Jesus Christ. On the last weekend street preacher Patrick O’Connell from New Bern, NC
rode down with me. What a sweet fellowship we had in Christ Jesus.
the outreach was fruitful we hooked up with Michael Siemer and his family, Brian O’ Connell, Scott Durant, Ralph and
his wife Stephanie from Crystal River Fl., in addition to the Raven ministry teams, and other sold-out faithful street preachers
throughout this country who were there.
we went forth, about our Father’s business preaching the whole word of God seizing the opportunity lifting up the name
of Jesus as the only way, truth, and life. Exposing the works of darkness and its eternal penalties, and encouraging some
to persevere in faith and holiness for without no man shall see God.
word of God went forth as the Lord allowed. A few repented from their sins and the Lord added to the church such as should
be saved; Many continuously chose the wide gate and broad way that leaded to destruction and boastfully proclaimed that they
loved their sins more than they loved the living God. May God have mercy on their souls?
International Speedway Blvd in Front Speedway |
Lance & Pastor Terry Fishing For Men |
The Truth Of God's Word |