In an attempt to get updated
on current world events I turned to several news stations and stopped at Fox news and heard Bill ‘O Reilly forcefully
telling a guest on the show it isn’t right to judge a person and don’t do that on his show. This struck me as
so hypocritical when his guest was judging righteous, and Bill judges people all the time based upon a person actions and/or
words. (Note: I no longer watch television due to all of the wickedness
on “every” channel).
As a street preacher I hear people
quote to me quite often, that Jesus said Judge not, that ye be not judged. When in
actuality Jesus commanded believers to judge when the beam is out of our own eye SO THAT WE CAN SEE CLEARLY to
get the mote out of our brother’s eye. He also said in John 7:24 “Judge not according to appearance, BUT JUDGE RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT”.
to my point as I was listening to this broadcast the following scripture came to mind Colossians
2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the
The majority of these newscasters, talk show hosts and networks are HEATHENS,
and for the most part are causing their listeners to imagine vain things by constantly preaching in the disguise of journalism
and current affairs THEIR UNGODLY PHILOSOPHIES. What they perceive to be right in their
own eyes, but the end thereof are the ways of death. They are full of pride, hatred, lies, greed, murder, deceit, envy, covetousness,
adultery, fornication, idolatry, witchcraft, strife, wickedness, abominations, and hypocrisies, in addition to speaking evil
against the Holy One.
They clearly state that they are practicing Catholics, Mormons, Atheists,
New Age believers, Idolaters, Evolutionists, Secular Humanist, Lesbians, homosexuals, Unbelievers and haters of God.
Unfortunately many who confess to be Christians spend more time listening
to these heathens then reading the scriptures and get indoctrinated to their philosophy. They would do better reading more of THE WORD OF GOD
from which comes all truth, wisdom and guidance.
So instead of hearing from the "organized Church" the preaching of the gospel
of Jesus Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth and is THE ONLY THING, that is able
to change men inherited wicked hearts.
We hear all these vain babblings such as “Christian” political correctness and participation, tolerance
to sin, relative morality, have your best life now, Satan (purpose)driven life, unity with all in spite of biblical
doctrinal differences, there is no absolute truth, there is no eternal hell, universal salvation for everyone, ordinations
of women, homosexuals, and lesbians, pro-choice for killing babies, euthanizing the elderly and those who can not help
themselves, come to Jesus as you are and stay as you are, no dying to self, no taking up your cross, come to another Jesus,
another spirit, another gospel of love with no penalty for willfully sinning against the God of all creation. All of these
are an abomination to God and are contrary to the teachings of the inerrant Holy
The apostle Peter stated in 2 Peter 3:17 “Ye therefore, beloved, seeing
ye know these things before, BEWARE lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.”
I hear the voice of Jesus saying: REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM
of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Brother Taylor